The date was 6th April 2013 and it was the day that the first signs of spring appeared here! I spent the day on the Somerset Levels.
The images that I'm posting this week were the ones taken before lunch.
I include my first picture because Great Egret (
ardea alba) – often known as Great White Egret – made history last year by breeding here for the first known time. The photograph was taken from far too far away for a good image and it's here for interest only. I couldn't tell whether if was one of the new, 'English' ones or one of the older French birds.
The Coot were a litle closer!
These Gulls flew around Noah's Hide and I think they're Herring Gull. ☺
The antics of this Mallard amused me for a while.
He definitely taxed me as he kept hiding his face behind a reed.
To one side of the hide, and seemingly watching the watchers there, a Blue Tit showed itself in an obliging way. (Once the leaves come, we won't stand a chance.)
Ever alert |
Going out on a limb |
Great Crested Grebe |
Wigeon |
Greylag Goose |
Defending an area of the lake |
The last group are again, like the Great Egret image, taken from too far away to make a good picture. A pair of Great Crested Grebe were shaping up for what might have become their characteristic courtship dance. I wanted to capture this, distance notwithstanding. In the event, it never reached the full dance, but here they are.
There you are then. The ones that should have 'gone on the cutting room floor'!
Next week I shall post images from Greylake, Somerset, taken after lunch on the same day.