A pleasant few hours were whiled away at Blashford Lakes, Hampshire, outside the edge of the New Forest.
One part of the reserve is wooded. That was where I started.
Nuthatch |
Chaffinch |
(Note that this adult has bumblefoot*) |
* Bumblefoot (ulcerative pododermatitis) is a bacterial infection and inflammatory reaction on the feet of birds (and rodents). The infection is much more likely to occur in captive animals than in those in the wild.
Dunnock |
Great Tit |
Blue Tit |
Bullfinch |
Rabbit |
Time for a bite to eat and a drink from the convenient hot-drinks machine. Then across the road to the lakeside.
Three Common Sandpiper rather stole the show by parading to and fro across the front of the hide as they hunted invertebrates. There were other species, but I'm sticking with the Sandpiper here and will post the others next week.
When they hunt, they go down, down, down and then strike almost horizontally.
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